Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Lake Mead

A Recent trip to Lake Mead:

Lake Mead Marina is the 2nd largest Marina on Lake Mead. The 1st largest is closed, because the water level is currently so low, that the place is basically sitting in the middle of the desert 500 yards from water. No such problem here. Tons of boats, tons of fish (see below) and plenty of people. This Saturday morning saw alot of folks coming and going on boats of all shapes and sizes, and a few folks like me just bumming around the docks to see whats going on.
The Marina was my first stop on my day trip around the north side of the lake to see what I could see. As you walk down the marina above, the first thing you notice is the massive schools of fish crowding the piers, knowing some kid is going to throw them a handful of food at any minute...

The deck of the Marina: Having a Tecate

2 locals joined me for lunch.....

Next was Boulder Beach. For those of us that grew up near an actual beach, it was kind of a tough sell. But the locals love it. As long as you can get by the rocky beach and the dusty air, the water is a perfect temperature.

I took the coastal road north to check out Echo Bay airport. I knew from the sectional that it was a small strip, but wasn't quite ready for what I found. After cruising way off the main road on a gravel roller coaster like side road, I found the airport. Or at least, a runway. Not one plane, not one building, not one car. Just a runway in the middle of the desert.

Lonely wind sock....

...for a lonely runway

Fresh rubber. Someone touched down not too long ago...

Once I walked to the end of the runway, I was comforted to find some old familiar numbers....

The Audi on the ramp.

All for now....

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